Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pas Roads Temporarily Closed in Chipley Neighborhood

PASCAGOULA – Road crews and contractors are continuing to make water and sewer upgrades throughout the Chipley neighborhood resulting in the following road closures:

· 11th Street/Seneca Avenue Intersection – Complete road closure for repairs of an existing storm drain. Expected to be reopened in late February.

· Parsley Avenue from 12th Street to 14th Street – Complete road closure for continued installation of a gravity sewer line. Expected to be reopened in late February.

· Choctaw Avenue from 11th Street to 13th Street – One lane closure followed by the complete closure of the road for the continued installation of a water line. Expected to be reopened in late February.

As upgrades on these and nearby roads progress, the contractor is working with residents in the area to insure access to homes. Drivers are asked to use caution around the construction sites.

The closures are part of the $3 million Chipley Water and Sewer Project funded through both State and Federal grant money and is on schedule to be completed by spring 2010.

Pascagoula Tree Giveaway Postponed

PASCAGOULA -- Due to weather forecasts, the “Tree Give-Away” planned for today has been rescheduled to 9 a.m. Feb. 17 at the west end of Krebs Avenue parking lot in the downtown area.

Property owners in South Mississippi's six counties can receive free trees to plant through Replant South Mississippi. The Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain is overseeing the distribution of these three- gallon hardwood trees.

Recipients will be given instructions on the best way to plant the trees and are asked to plant clear of overhead and underground utilities.

In the past two years, Replant South Mississippi has given away 46,717 trees through a partnership with the Land Trust and funding assistance from the Mississippi Forestry Commission.

Go to Itmcp.org for more information.