Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Firefighters wear pink shirts to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Know the names of these men? 

Firefighters with Moss Point Fire Department observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.

Names of these four Moss Point firefighters will be provided Oct. 18 for those who don't know. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Louisiana Residents Use Cruisin' to Spend Time Together

GULFPORT -- The 2013 Cruisin' the Coast kicked off on Sunday following rains from Tropical Storm Karen, which had turned fallen apart and returned to a tropical depression by the time it hit Florida.

The weather system had put South Mississippi residents and emergency management personnel on edge for a few days as the storm system threatened to turn into at least a Category 1 hurricane that had been expected to hit somewhere between Grand Isle, La., and Indian Pass, Fla.

Tropical Storm Karen Doesn't Scare Cruisers (Sun Herald)

Cruisers were unfazed and arrived for the annual fall cruisin event headquarted in Gulfport but featuring events in several cities. Some put off their arrival about a day, but that was about the most effect on the event.

 Blaine and Tanya Covington of Walker, La., drove their 1950 Ford F1 to Cruisin' the Coast. They and his parents, Marion and Joanne Covington, took time for breakfast at McDonald's on Thursday.
A 1954 Chevrolet pickup owned by Marion and Joanne Covington of Denham, La., is among the classic vehicles during the 2013 Cruisin' the Coast in Gulfport and other cities of South Mississippi.

Joanne Covington proudly shows off her Chevrolet pickup. Cruisin' is family vacation time.
"That's our only once a year get-away," she said. "It's just fun. It's something we can all get together and do."

Justin McNamee of Shivers, Miss., just north of Hattiesburg, and his daughter Shelby along with his wife (not pictured) are enjoying their first Cruisin' the Coast this year.

"My work schedule doesn't let me come every year, but I'm gonna start coming every year," he said, while showing off his Camaro 327.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dean, Rie, Judy Become Volunteers of Year for Time at Nursing Center

 Dean Brown and dog Judy visit with Claretha Evans and Ellen Bracks at Singing River Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. He, his wife Rie and their dog visit residents at the center on Wednesday, conduct church service on Thursday and drop in for more time on Saturday.
                                                           "This is family for us," he said.
Cindy Proske looks forward to visiting with Dean and Rie (pronounced Leah) Brown and their dog Judy during their visits to Singing River Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Moss Point. The couple and canine were named Volunteers of the Year for the Mississippi Health Care Association and were honored with a plague and dog bowl during an award luncheon in Jackson during August.

Volunteer Moss Point Couple and Labrador Judy Have Positive Impact on Nursing Center Residents

Find full story at The Mississipp Press and at

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Community and Family Say Goodbye to Lucimarian

GULFPORT -- Nearly a year after the Roberts family said goodbye to matriarch Lucimarian Roberts and youngest sibling Robin Roberts underwent  a bone marrow transplant, the Good Morning America co-anchor is ready to go back to work full time.

Robin Roberts to Return to Work Fulltime

A year ago -- August and September 2012

More than 700 friends, residents and community leaders paid their respects o the woman who left a legacy of honor and respect for the people who
The Sun Herald (online)/Wednesday, September 05, 2012
The Associated Press/August 31, 2012

What's been going on in along the waterways of South Mississippi

Flashback for year: Updates coming during September.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fire Chief Participates in Mardi Gras for First Time

MOSS POINT – Fire Chief Clarence Parks had never before participated in a Mardi Gras parade until Saturday when the holiday procession rolled up Main Street.
“This is the first time dealing with Mardi Gras, really.” he said. I’ve never participated in anything Mardi Gras. Never.
Visit to see pictures of parade.
“I’m from Tupelo, way up there in north Mississippi. This is most definitely different.
Parks, who moved to Moss Point during summer last year, served as grand marshal. “It’s the first time I’ve been a grand marshal. Truly, it’s an honor to do this for the city. Anything we can do for the city and dealing with kids we are all for it.”
Parade marshal Gwendolyn Kennard, owner of Little People Learning Center, said that the children would attract her the most when tossing throws during the mile-long parade. She had a vehicle packed to the brim with candies, beads, stuffed animals, snacks, cups, and an assortment of other souvenirs.
“This is the first time being a parade marshal,” said the Moss Point native. “Normally I’m on the sidelines catching the beads. This time I’m throwing the beads.”
Toni Ryan and her three children ages 10 to 13 and a friend’s soon scrambled for the throws Parks and Kennard tossed their way. “It’s going good,” she said. “My daughter is in marching in it.”
Austin Ryan, 11, was excited about the mini Saints football and liked the parade best “when they threw the candy.”
Hayley Ryan was among ROTC students and Moss Point High School Marching Band and Tigerettes who marched from Southgate Shopping Center to Hancock Bank in Downtown Moss Point. The procession also included four floats, classic vehicles in the Old School Car Club, and two horse-drawn carriages belonging to the Freedom Riders. City aldermen Robert Byrd, Ruby Hill and Sherwood Bradford, and Mayor Aneice Liddell also joined the parade.
“They were excited about coming,” said Ryan. “They were bugging me all morning. They wanted to come out here at 6 o’clock and wait for it.”
Co-organizer Stephanie Hill said the parade included 25 units, but she wants more participation next year. “It’s good. Everybody is having a great time, but we just wanted more participation.”
Edna Finklea said she had a good time. "I enjoy parades. I don't care how small they are."

Monday, January 28, 2013

Final Report of GoCoast 2020 to be Released Today

BILOXI  –  The Final Report of the GoCoast 2020 Commission will be released
at a press conference at 10 a.m. today.

The  event  will  be held at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum Convention
Center in Biloxi in Room L5/L6.

Gov.  Phil Bryant  and Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Executive
Director, Trudy Fisher, will release the GoCoast 2020 Final Report and will
make remarks at the press conference.

GoCoast  2020  was  established  by  Gov. Bryant through executive order to
serve  as  the official advisory board for the allocation of funds received
by  the  State  of  Mississippi  under  the  RESTORE  Act  and  to create a
long-range   planning   strategy  for  the  Mississippi  Gulf  Coast.  More
information is available at

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Coast Celebrates King, Obama Inauguration

MOSS POINT -- Addie Wells, at 70 years old, is about ready to give up her walking shoes, which she did partly on the Marin Luther King Jr. Day march on Monday.

This year was the first time in 37 years that she has not made the trek with other residents on the route to the MLK program at a local church. She said she'd been ripping and running so that her feet were sore, so she rode in one of the many vehicles that made up the caravan.

Regardless of her reason for not being among the walkers on Monday, she was happy to see so many young people participating in the annual march honoring Dr. King in Jackson County. She sees the future of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference among young people.

Addie Wells Griffin

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How Times Makes a Change in Downtown Moss Point

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Holds First Public Meeting

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Happy New Year