Thursday, May 20, 2010

Council Supports Public Health Through Complete Streets

By Jennifer Flanagan
Public Relations
PASCAGOULA -- The Pascagoula City Council passed a resolution at its May 18 meeting calling for the use of “Complete Streets” policies in road construction and renovation activities within the city. This action insures the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists are considered in the design of roadways.
“This will be a good tool for us to use for the safety of Pascagoula citizens,” commented Councilman Robert Stallworth Sr.
The “Complete Streets” program includes design principles that will be used to help make the city a healthier place to live by encouraging the creation of more sidewalks, bike routes, and connections to schools, parks, and other destinations.
“This program reinforces the city’s commitment to creating a more pedestrian and bike friendly community,” said Harry Schmidt, director of Community Development.

“Residents of Pascagoula are asking for more outdoor opportunities, and the ‘Complete Streets’ program ensures that the city will meet this need by providing a well-designed and safe environment for both transportation and exercise.”
Road and street projects currently being planned that could benefit from this new policy will be the Historic Pathway in Downtown Pascagoula and the Beachfront Promenade that, when combined, will offer four miles of new paths.
The city is also working with Gulf Regional Planning Commission to conduct a bike suitability study that, once completed, will be used to design a bike path around town.
The new policy will allow the city to pursue even more grant opportunities for projects like additional walking paths and the expansion of sidewalks. Focusing around the schools within the city is a key component as evidenced by Lake Elementary School having Mississippi’s highest participation rate during last fall’s “Walk to School Day.”
With the Council’s action the City of Pascagoula has become the third city in Mississippi to adopt the “Complete Streets” program. For more information about the program visit the “Complete Streets” website at
WHEREAS, the City of Pascagoula policy as stated in the Comprehensive Plan is to reduce the number of car trips, increase energy efficiency, and encourage walking and bicycling as safe, convenient and widely available modes of transportation for all people; and
WHEREAS, increasing walking and bicycling offers the potential for improved health, reduced traffic congestion, a more livable community, and more efficient use of road space and resources; and
WHEREAS, the Complete Streets guiding principle is to design, operate and maintain streets to promote safe and convenient access and travel for all users, including residents who do not or cannot drive, such access to include sidewalks, bicycle paths, multi-use paths, vehicle lanes, and freight lines; and
WHEREAS, other jurisdictions and agencies nationwide have adopted Complete Streets legislation including the U.S. Department of Transportation, the state of Tennessee, and communities in Alabama and Arkansas, as well as, in Mississippi; and
WHEREAS, the City will implement the Complete Streets policy by designing, operating and maintaining the transportation network to improve travel conditions for bicyclists, pedestrians, cars, transit and freight in a manner consistent with, and supportive of, the surrounding community; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes the number of cost-effective improvements to existing roads that can increase access and safety, including crosswalks, bicycle lanes, signage, bulb outs, on-street parking, adding trees, and changing the signalization of traffic lights; and
WHEREAS, the City will implement policies and procedures with the construction, reconstruction or other changes of transportation facilities to support the creation of Complete Streets including capital improvements, re-channelization projects and major maintenance, recognizing that all streets are different and in each case user needs must be balanced:

SECTION 1. The city of Pascagoula will plan for, design and construct all new city transportation improvement projects to provide appropriate accommodation for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and persons of all abilities, while promoting safe operation for all users, as provided for below.

SECTION 2. The city of Pascagoula recognizes the importance of sidewalks and bicycle paths and will incorporate the Complete Streets principles as funding becomes available, as follows:
1. A 4-foot wide paved shoulder shall be included with construction of all new roadways constructed or with the resurfacing or reconstruction of a roadway when roadways traffic is greater than 1,000 vehicles per day.
2. Sidewalks, shared use paths, street crossings (including over and under passes), pedestrian signals, signs, street furniture, transit stops, and other facilities, shall be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so that all pedestrians, including people with disabilities, can travel safely and independently.
3. Bicycle and pedestrian ways shall be established in new construction and reconstruction projects undertaken by the City of Pascagoula in keeping with the proposals of the Comprehensive Plan unless one or more of these conditions exist:
a. Bicyclists or pedestrians are prohibited by law from using the roadway. In this instance, a greater effort may be necessary to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians elsewhere within the right of way or within the same transportation corridor.
b. The cost of establishing bikeways or walkways would exceed five percent of the total cost. In such case, the entity developing or redeveloping the road may choose to include bicycle and/or pedestrian ways although they would not be required.
c. Severe topographic or natural resource constraints exist that preclude expanding roadway paving without incurring excessive costs.
d. There is very low population density and scarcity of residents or other factors indicate an absence of present and future need.
e. Adequate funding is not available to carry out the policy.

SECTION 3. Complete Streets principles will not apply where extraordinary circumstances exist, such as:
1. during ordinary maintenance activities designed to keep assets in serviceable condition (e.g., mowing, cleaning, sweeping, spot repair and surface treatments such as chip seal, or interim measures on detour or haul routes);
2. where the City Council issues a documented exception concluding that application of Complete Street principles is inappropriate because it would be contrary to public benefits or safety;
3. where other parallel accommodation exists; or
4. where there is a demonstrated absence of present and future need.

SECTION 4. Complete Streets may be achieved through single projects or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time. It is the Pascagoul City Council's intent that all potential sources of transportation funding be considered to implement Complete Streets. Maximum financial flexibility is important to implement Complete Streets principles.

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